Tuesday, March 26, 2013

March Activities....

Hannah holding up the dress that we are making.  

The finished dress and Avery measuring Hannah.

 Our first spring flowers.  What a welcome sight.  We look forward to many, many more.

This was the first mild day.  No winter coats!!!!  Little did we know, there would still be more snow.

Every Spring and Fall we spend a lot of time at the local playgrounds.  This one is in Sterling.  The girls love it because it is the only one around that still has an old fashion merry-go-round.

This a a picture of us with the Easter Bunny at a Relay For Life Breakfast Event in Moosup CT.  They have this event every year to raise money for the American Cancer Society.  It is a lot of fun!
It means a lot to us because our family has been touched with Cancer too many times.  Hopefully some day soon there will be a cure!

Hannah, Avery, and Santi at Santi's 13th Birthday party.  Happy 13'th Santi!!!!!!!

Hannah, Avery, Madison, and Santi having a traditional Irish meal on St. Patrick's Day.
Corn Beef and Cabbage with Nana's Soda Bread.  They were at the kids table, the adults also enjoyed
the meal, but at our own table.

We decided to weave place-mats and baskets for our annual Easter Brunch.

                                         These projects were a lot of fun.  Both girls enjoyed it.

                             The next 3 pictures are from one of our Homeschool Kids' Group Events.

The children all enjoy these events, however, once it warms up, we hold most of the events outside.  We all can't wait for that!!

                                            Avery and Hannah playing outside in our yard.

Our March so far, we still have Easter to look forward to, and we can't wait for Spring.  With Spring comes lots of outside activities, field trips, and the planting of our garden!!!  Happy Easter to All!!!!!!!

Friday, March 8, 2013

The Last Two Weeks

We've been trying to keep busy and get through the rest of the winter as quickly as possible.  Here is a picture collage of the last two weeks.

Hannah has been doing a lot of sewing projects.  This is a dress that she made for Avery.

Hannah, Avery and the toys of the day.

We may be rushing spring a little, but this is the beginning of our garden.  This is a family project.  We chose the seeds together and planted them together.

So far our tomatoes are the only seedlings that have poked through.

Hannah finished her Abeka Math for the school year.  Her reward for finishing so early was a new Betta.

Since Hannah has shown such a strong interest in sewing, we started making a dress together.  The finished dress will be for the girls to share.

This was our first step. Pinning on the pattern and cutting the fabric.  The dress is almost finished.  I will post a picture of it soon.

This is one of my favorite things about homeschooling....

Not only does Hannah read to Avery all the time but she also teaches her.  I have to give Hannah a lot of credit for the fact that Avery knows all of her letters, their sounds and all of her numbers already.  It makes my job so much easier.

These are pictures from gym day.

Norwich Library Homeschool  Meet N Greet

Killingly Library, the girls with the library mascot - Bugbee

Dress up and roll playing is a very popular activity in our house.

Hannah just lost another tooth.

Every once in a while I pull out various craft supplies and just let them use their imaginations.

They enjoy this more than our planned art projects.  It's interesting to see their finished artwork when they have no guidance at all.

Hannah making sugar cookies.  She's been doing more and more of the work when we bake.  As an added bonus, she is doing really well with fractions.

On March 1st we attended Dr.Seuss night at one of the local school's.  Our town has a party on his birthday every year for the children. The goal  is to celebrate literacy.  They set up a room full of tables with books and crafts, based on the books.  It is always a lot of fun.  The girls made a lot of projects and planted sunflowers.  After the craft portion of the night, there was a concert in the gym.  One of the local music teachers sang and played the guitar while the children danced and sang along.  Unfortunately, I forgot my camera in the car so we don't have any pictures to mark the event.  I do have a house for of art though.  We could start our own art exhibit.