January has been a really long month for us. We spent most of the month indoors with a cold that just won't go away. It's been a typical, cold, snowy month. I'm so happy that it's finally February. Hopefully this month will fly right by. I'm so ready for spring and the outdoors.
One of our first projects for the semester was doing Hershey Bar Math. Hershey actually makes math books for multiplication and fractions.
What a great way to do math. Each child gets their own candy bar and we read the book and follow the directions, step by step. This project was meant for Hannah who is learning fractions and multiplication, but Avery participated to. Guess what? When your working with candy bars even a four year old understands the math. Avery did as well as Hannah with the exercise.
Hannah also started division. I still remember learning division in school and I hated it. I had a hard time grasping the concept. We use Abeka for math and they teach it at the same time as multiplication. I really like that approach. It makes a lot of sense to me. After all if you know your multiplication facts, division is just the opposite.
Another project we did in Math/Science was on Measurement. We measured the weight, length,
volume, and circumference of all sorts of items. We also read the book Measuring Penny. A great
hands on book for learning about Measurements or for just reviewing the subject.
Avery is learning her last vowel. The letter "U". She is doing really well. She has been helping me read the beginner readers and she is picking up more and more words on her own. We've been working on printing her "4's". She likes to write them backwards.
We just started learning about California for our state study and we just finished Jane Goodall for science. We also finished the Declaration of Independence and the Revolutionary War.
At this point in the year, we are trying to finish our What Your 3'rd Grader Needs To Know and What Your Kindergartner Need To Know books. I use them and the World Book's Scope & Sequence as guidelines for what to teach. Once everything is checked off, our formal table time will end for the year. Last year we were completely done by March. This year we won't be finished spelling or Math until May. I am hoping to have the other subjects completed by March or April though.
These are pictures from Lego Day. The only Home-school Outing that we attended this month.
Avery and my friend's son playing Battleship together, but separately.
The girls having a tea party
Playing at the Library.
My sister had surgery and we slept over to help her out. The girls watching a
Avery in her new Doctor's Uniform