Monday, March 31, 2014

March and the promise of Spring.....

March was a mixed up month, but that's normal for New England.  We had a couple of mild days but lots of cold days too.  The warm days were just enough to tease us.  Now that Spring is officially here maybe Winter will go away and stay away.  (As I write this it is cold and hail is coming down outside)

This is a picture journal of our Month.

We had a visit from a few very special friends who
we don't get to see often anymore, because they moved away.

The girls at Santi's Birthday Dinner, Happy 14th Santi!!!

Avery worked really hard to learn how to spell her first and last name so she could 
get her library card.  She's known how to spell Avery for a long time but since our last name is
so long, it took her a few months.  She was so proud the day we went to the library to get her card!

Before she could get her card, she had to fill out the
form.  Look how tiny it was.  She had to write so small
and it was still neat enough for the librarian to read it.

This was the first day that it was warm enough to 
ride bikes outside.  Notice the girls are in sweat shirts
but there was still snow on the ground.

Our first trip to the playground.

I got a new camera and was experimenting.

Don't know what I would do if there were 2 Hannah's
or 2 Avery's.

Kevin actually had a day off, so we took the girls Ice
Skating for the first time.  I didn't skate, the rink
was much too cold for me.

 Pictures from gym class at COOP.

Hannah and a friend at Gymnastics

We started our Springtime Science Journals.  Our first 2 experiments 
went really well.  The first was:  Is it easier to float in Salt Water or
Fresh Water?  We followed the scientific method to find out.

Our second experiment was how to make home-made play dough.
We combined different types of matter to do this.  Liquid, and Solids.
It was a lot of fun and the play dough smelled so good too.  We used Kool
Aid to color it. 

The girls dancing in the mud.


Tuesday, March 4, 2014


February has had it's ups and downs for us.  We are all tired and working hard to finish up our formal table time for the semester.  Avery is still practicing her reading and her coin recognition.  We played store a couple of times.  The girls really enjoy it.  It's a fun way to learn about money.  Avery has to choose the correct coin and say what it is worth.  For Hannah, it's a little more complicated.  She has to use the correct amount of money to purchase an item and she has to know how much change to give back.


We spent a lot of time in review this month.  We also started learning about the Nervous System in science and the difference
between Nonfiction and Fiction.  Hannah continues to practice her
multiplication facts and division.  We also started estimation and 
rounding to the nearest ten's place.  We are almost finished with our Math workbook.  

We have a few more topics to cover in science and we have one more state to study for our state study and we will have completed our goals for the semester.  We will continue to practice our multiplication facts and finish our spelling lessons, but other than that, we will be done with indoor work.

If it ever warms up, we plan to make nature books and work outside doing nature experiments.  We also have a fun project planned in honor of Earth day.  We will make sculptures using all recycled products.  Eventually we will start getting the gardens ready and we will work on a compost bin.

On an exciting note, we started CHARM COOP this month.  The girls have mixed feeling about it.  They both like their classes but there are a lot of new things for them both.  In essence it was almost like their first day of school.  They each have 4 classes in a classroom setting.  They both met lots of new children and new teachers.  (someone other than Mommy)  Hannah likes having some time away from Avery.  She is used to always being with her sister and this gives them a break from each other.  Hannah's classes are a little challenging for her, i'm not sure that she cares for the challenge.  However, it is good for her.  Avery's classes are the opposite.  I almost think they are too easy for her.  They are fun though and I'm hoping she will make some new friends.  

This is a picture of the flower garden that Avery made in lego class.

A picture of Hannah in her Handwork class.  They were working on a plastic canvas project.

These are all of the Valentine's that Hannah made for the Valentine's Day Party.  She worked really hard on them and it took her days.  Everyone was unique.  

These are pictures of all of the kids' Valentines Day boxes and bags.

The kids had so much fun walking around and stuffing their Valentines in each individual box or bag.  Hannah and Avery made scrap books when we got home and put all of their Valentines in them.  They came out really nice and now they will always have the memories of their first Valentine swap.

These are just random pictures of our February.  We spent most of the month in the house because of the cold, snowy weather and the battle with the cold virus that we have been fighting.

The girls playing school.  
 Hannah and Avery were the teachers....
  These are the students....   It was a rather large class.
Hannah and Avery made a huge fort to keep busy.  It took the whole living room.

The girls at gymnastics. 

Avery in her new hat.  So cute!!!!!