Sunday, December 22, 2013

December and Our Holiday Activities....

December is such a fun time of year.  We suspend our normal table time activities and concentrate on the holidays.  We did a lot of crafts and made a lot of ornaments and gifts.  We also spent a lot of time in the kitchen baking.  We all enjoy baking, not only is it educational, but it is fun and yummy, it also warms up the house.  We attended two homeschool Christmas parties.  The first party was a craft/gift party.  All the children made gifts and then wrapped them.  It was a lot of fun to watch as they became secretive about their surprise presents.  The second party that we attended was for the coop that we joined.

Hannah and Avery will start the CHARM COOP on Valentine's day.  We are really looking forward to it.  It will be every Friday from 10:00 - 3:00.  They will each have 4 classes.  It will be the first time they participate in homeschool classes separately.  I think the COOP will be good for them.  It will give them a chance to be in a classroom setting with many other children.  It will also give them many other adult perspectives.  I am really excited about this opportunity.

Our December in pictures:

The girls with their very own Christmas Tree

Our Christmas Tree with Pandora (Hannah's baby) and Avery

Making our annual salt dough ornaments

Our snowmen

Hannah's Manger (she made this all by herself using her imagination)

We attended my niece's Holiday Concert

Hannah and Avery at the Craft/Gift Party

These pictures were taking at the COOP party

Our family gingerbread house

Daddy decorating the kids too....

Avery eating a donut at Dunkin Donuts on her special day.  I took both girls Christmas
shopping and out to lunch and dessert.  It was special because I had one on one time
with each of them.  While one was with me the other was spending special alone time
with Mimi.

These are pictures of the local manger.  Hannah and Avery love the story of Jesus's birth.
They have been practicing the words to "Away in a Manger" all month.

Merry Christmas everyone!!!  It is our wish that everyone has a safe and happy holiday!!  And a Safe and Healthy New Year!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a lot of talent and Holiday fun. Wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas.
