Saturday, January 31, 2015

Snow, Snow, and More Snow

We've been hard at work now that the new semester started.  Avery is reading more and more.  Hannah is finally caught up in her math book and is starting to learn about unknown equations.  I'm re-learning about them because I had blocked all that out.  Although, when I was in school we didn't start learning that stuff until 7th or 8th grade.  Hannah is in third grade.

We've barely left the house this month except for gymanstics or trips to the library.  It has been so cold and miserable out.  The kids are enjoying all of the snow.  They've been spending lots and lots of time outside.

After all that playing outside, they still had to bring snow in to play with.  The rabbit
loved eating it and the girls loved having a "Frozen" tea party.

All this snow and we are expecting another foot on Monday......