Sunday, August 23, 2015

Reasons we homeschool

1.  We can go on vacation whenever we want.
A great benefit.  Places are less crowded and usually less expensive.  

2.  The best time to go anywhere, when everyone else it back at school.
Did I mention less crowded, which means more time to look around and more attention
from the staff.  Museums, parks, zoos, aquariums, even stores and restaurants, so much better when summer is over.  Also, when you run in to other families with children, they are usually homeschooled.  Always nice to meet more homeschoolers.

3.  We can make our own schedule.
If it's a beautiful, sunny day we can skip table time and enjoy the outdoors.  Or we can just bring our learning activities outside.  Homeschooling is all about being flexible.  If someone is sick or there is a family emergency, we just adjust our plans.  There is no falling behind or make-up work to stress us out.

4.  I hate seeing kids standing out in the cold or in the rain waiting for the bus.
In fact, I used to be that child.  What a terrible way to start off a day.  We don't have to leave home for learning.  We don't even have to change out of our pj's if we don't want to.  It is so nice to cuddle up on the couch on a cold winter day and just read.  

5.  We do not have to be at home or in a classroom to learn.
Any homeschooler will tell you that learning happens everywhere and at any given time.
While, it's nice to have a "classroom" or learning area set up, it just isn't necessary.  We learn at the library, the park, playground, even at the grocery store.  

6.  My children are truly growing up together.
The bond of learning together and spending quality time together is so special.  I see a closeness in my children that you don't often see in school children.  That's not to say that they don't argue and that they don't need space from each other.  (they do)

7.  I love the "aha" moments.
I love to be with my children when something finally clicks.  All of  a sudden their face lights up and it all makes sense.  That magic moment when they first pick up a book and just read.  I wouldn't miss that for the world.  It makes all the hard or stressful times worthwhile.

8.  Morals,Values, Feelings

Homeschooling allows us to filter out some of the bad things in the world.  There is no bullying, no peer pressure, no following the fads.  My children can act and dress the way they want, they can say what they want and feel what they want.  There is no worrying about what others think or what others will say.  Homeschooling provides alot of freedom to be who you want to be, not what others expect you to be.  

9.  Safety

Just recently I was reading an article in the newspaper about the local schools increasing security.  They are installing cameras and new locks.  They now have lockdown policies and badges.  I am so happy that we don't have to worry about safety and security while we are learning.  

10.  Family & Friends

Nothing is more important than the people that we care about.  Homeschooling allows us the freedom to put people first.  We don't have to worry about school schedules, activities, or rules getting in our way.  Attendance isn't important.  We can "do" our school at night, on weekends, even in the middle of the day.  We can learn in the car or while waiting for a doctor's appointment.  

Thursday, August 6, 2015

July and our Trip to the Boston Museum of Science

July has had it's ups and downs.  We sold our house!  That was stressful, but also a huge relief.  We are now trying to get settled into our new space and new routines.  It feels really good to start this new chapter in our lives.

Even with the packing,cleaning, unpacking, and all the other chores that go along with moving, we've still been trying to enjoy summer and all that it has to offer.  It's no secret that summer is my favorite time of year and that I like to be outside as much as possible.  These pictures capture most of our activities.

Hannah participated in Vacation Bible School this year and loved it.  They put on a show for us on the last day.

Avery and I spent time at the library while Hannah did VBS

We had Hannah and Avery's Birthday Dinner.  We just invited
close family and a couple of friends. It was bittersweet
because it was the last birthday celebration at our house.

I brought the girls to the splash pad at Owen Bell Park.  Now that Avery isn't scared to get her face wet, she had a blast.

At the Playground

A Homeschool Play Date at Hopeville Pond

Mohegan Park in Norwich CT

We all went to the Boston Museum of Science.  It was a lot of fun!!!!